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Silence of the Calves |
E. Coli O157, Food Distribution and the Yakuza -- and Poisoned Children -- a Case of Bacteriological Terrorism?
Synopsis: The E. coli O157 epidemic is a natural byproduct of Japan's food
distribution system, which is controlled by bureaucrats, trading companies
and agribusiness -- a fourth, silent partner, criminal syndicates, or the
yakuza. To understand why Japanese public health officials have failed to
stop the spread of the contagion -- and why if became necessary for the
Health and Welfare Ministry to launch a media disinformation campaign --
requires a look at how food is distributed in Japan and who does the
distributing, pays the bribes and muzzles the law. By Yoichi Clark Shimatsu
But on Oct. 3, the Morioka school district in Iwate Prefecture announced
that O157 had poisoned 212 students and teachers there -- and that radish
sprouts were NOT on the menu. Subsequently, by mid-October, eight people
were reported with O157 infections in Tokyo, five of whom ate beef hearts
at a Korean yakiniku restaurant. As this writer knows of many other
unreported cases (including his own) among Japanese and foreigners living
in Tokyo, the epidemic must be severely underreported across Japan.
As for the other charge leveled in this article -- that the yakuza have
been poisoning food products to enforce a coverup inside the dairy industry
-- the police have arrested in September managers of dairy cooperatives in
Sendai, Kobe and Niigata for diluting fresh milk with imported powdered
milk. Also, in late summer, the police in Taiwan exposed a smuggling ring
that illegally imported powdered milk from the U.S. to adulterate milk sold
to Taiwanese. It turns out that the powdered milk was purchased past its
expiration date -- making it unfit for human consumption and for use only
by the chemical or fertilizer business.
These recent revelations strongly indicate that organized crime groups in
East Asia may have been running a lucrative racket involving the
importation of stale or contaminated food products -- and perhaps it was
through suspect beef imports that O157 entered the food chain in Japan.
If the Kobe case is taken as the starting point of the O157 epidemic, the
interval before the declaration of emergency would be stretched to 72 days,
more than 10 weeks. By contrast, U.S. public health officials in Seattle,
Wash., where some 500 people were infected by Jack in the Box hamburgers
and four children died in 1994, called an alert within FIVE DAYS.
On Aug. 6 -- eight more deaths and nearly three months after the girl in
Kobe died -- the Japanese health ministry declared the O157 outbreak an
epidemic. Why did it take so long?
In the print media, the news broke Friday, Aug. 9. The morning editions of
Japanese newspapers, including the English-language versions, also happened
to carry on their front pages paid advertising, placed by the Health and
Welfare Ministry. The ads urged people to wash their hands, heat food
thoroughly, wash cooking utensils carefully, and handle food with
''sanitary precautions.''
But these steps cannot stop the spread of O157, which can survive inside
freezers, multiply inside refrigerated meat lockers at temperatures of 4
degrees C and in some cases survive pasteurization. The advice in the
health ministry ads were, therefore, spurious in terms of science and
merely meant to reassure the public -- and put money in the hands of
newspaper publishers.
At a Friday afternoon press conference, after meeting with ministry
officials, the head of the kaiware daikon growers' association denounced
the Health Ministry's media campaign as being ''politically motivated.''
The water and samples of radish sprouts at the suspected facility in Osaka
Prefecture had tested negative. No organic fertilizers are used in its
The Health Ministry tests on radish sprouts, the water inside sprout
growers' facilities and surrounding rivers all turned out to prove
negative. It turned out that radish sprouts were suspected only because
several food-service sites in Sakai had obtained three food substances --
milk, bread and sprouts -- from the same sources. Parents' groups and
growers, however, pointed out that other consumers of daikon sprouts did
not come down with the disease -- so the sprouts could not have been
On the same day, hospital officials in Chiba Prefecture announced that a
1-year-old baby girl had died of O157 poisoning. Her parents were not
carriers; the household refrigerator had not contained any contaminated
food; and it seems odd to feed such a young child radishes.
As supermarkets cleared their shelves of radish sprouts, the kaiware daikon
growers, later that day, announced that they would file a lawsuit against
the Health Ministry for several million dollars in damages. This is a small
amount compared to other food products, and it can be assumed that
government officials blamed radish sprouts because of their insignificance
in the overall economy.
On Aug. 16, one week after the Health Ministry ad campaign, minister Naoto
Kan appeared before TV cameras at a news conference and ate three boxes of
daikon sprouts. The ministry did not admit its mistake, because to do so
would mean it would have to pay damages to the kaiware daikon industry,
which has been losing $1 million per day.
The Health Ministry had to back down, because laboratory testing at the
Agriculture Ministry was providing conclusive evidence that daikon sprouts
are super-immune to O157 infection. On Friday, Aug. 23, farm officials
disclosed the test results.
In the Agriculture ministry tests, done at the National Food Institute in
Tsukuba, sprouts were placed for 15 hours in water that contained 8.2
million bacilli per cubic centimeter. Only 10,000 bacteria are needed for
testing purposes -- and that is more than enough to cause illness among
several people. The sprouts were then cut 3 cm above the root tips and
proved negative. The fact that there was not even any creep along the
surface of stems indicates that, contrary to Health Ministry findings, not
only are daikon sprouts resistant to infection -- they may even repel the
O157 bacteria.
But the Health Ministry's gross error could not have been a matter of
simple ignorance. The facts about O157 has long been known by the WHO and
the head of the World Health Organization, after all, is Japanese. What has
not been mentioned by the ministry is the primary source of all 0157
contamination is beef, especially hamburger and intestinal meat, or cow
Radish sprouts, when served to children, they usually appear, like parsley,
as a condiment for a dish known as ''niku-jagaimo,'' a stew made out of
boiled potatoes and hamburger meat. The children in Sakai also were served
sausages, which are often undercooked because they are distributed frozen.
The advertising campaign, the health official announcements and the media
news stories linking O157 to radish sprouts were a classic example of a
disinformation campaign. Whose interests are the health officials, the
Hashimoto Cabinet and the mass media protecting?
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (April 5,
1995, pp. 985-6), an unpublished report by the Centers for Disease Control
estimates O157 causes a minimal 20,000 cases and 250-500 deaths a year in
the United States alone, and the numbers appear to be increasing. Consumer
groups have pressured President Clinton to sign a bill upgrading meat
inspection laws. The new regulations are not fail safe, because even the
inventor of the DNA meat inspection system admits that no existing
technology can catch all the contamination in beef carcasses.
Rather than belabor the point, which is discussed elsewhere by this author
(see Pacific News Service;, an abundance of
information in the United States and Canada correlates E. coli O157 with
dairy cows.
So why hasn't Japan's Health and Welfare Ministry informed the public about
the risks of beef?
Since before the July 25 Cabinet meeting, the Agriculture Ministry began
testing Japanese beef and dairy herds and meatpacking houses for O157. JA,
the Japanese farmers' union, and meat packers have apparently been
cooperative and eager to resolve the problem as rapidly as possible,
because consumers have already gotten information on their own and meat
consumption has declined.
JA, one of Japan's biggest lobbies, and meat packers, who belong a socially
sensitive groups -- the burakumin, a former underclass, and Koreans -- have
not used their lobbying power against the Liberal Democratic government, so
what is behind the official reluctance to raise the beef issue?
More precisely, who supplies the beef to Sakai school cafeterias? The
officials provided the names of wholesalers of vegetables, fruits, baked
goods and other items -- but adamantly and repeatedly refused to disclose
the names of meat suppliers.
The Sunday, August 11, edition of Sankei Shimbun revealed that the DNA-type
of the O157 strain that infected more than 5,000 schoolchildren in Sakai,
and forced the closure of 92 schools, is identical to certain samples
provided by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. This findings
suggests that the source of the epidemia is beef imported from the United
States or elsewhere in North America (Canada and Mexico should not be
discounted as potential sources).
What is implied by these facts is that dirty beef has been imported by
wholesalers, possibly bypassing meat inspection regulations and customs
authorities. Another disturbing possibility is that substandard beef
purchased at cut-rate prices overseas, may have been sold to Japanese
school cafeterias for the same price as expensive Japanese-produced beef --
especially in low-income areas such as Sakai, which has the highest
percentage of burakumin of any Japanese city -- for years and even decades
before the current outbreak of O157. Such profiteering could only have been
done by organized crime -- with the knowing approval of officials with the
powerful Education Ministry.
AERA magazine, in the Aug. 19-26 issue, reported that, indeed, the catering
services that provide lunches, milk and bread to public schools are
operated by companies run and staffed by retired Education Ministry
bureaucrats and former ministry employees. The school lunch caterers are
part of the amakudari, or descent from Heaven, practice, of providing jobs
for former bureaucrats or bureaucrats on leave and, often, stipends or fees
to ministry officials while still in public service.
Providing school lunches may seem a demeaning job for an ex-bureaucrat, but
it is a gold mine for the corrupt ones. Illicit profits and bribery would
explain the silence of Osaka prefectural officials regarding the
wholesalers of the beef products who supplied the Sakai school cafeterias.
First, a very rough calculation. If a yakuza-linked trading firm purchased
the cheapest grade of U.S. hamburger, which sells for as little as $1 per
kilogram, and sold it to schools, senior homes and company cafeterias at
market value for Japanese meat, between $25-$40 per kg, the profit margin
would be an extraordinary factor of 20 to 40 times the original price. If
this racket actually went on for decades, the public would have been bilked
for billions of dollars -- more than enough to line the pockets of hundreds
of Education Ministry officials and their politician allies.
But what makes the possibility of food adulteration and official bribery
seem even more likely is a series of suspicious and highly disturbing
threats of food tampering, which is a typical tactic in yakuza intimidation
to enforce mafia-style silence.
While some of these cases could be interpreted as pranks or crude extortion
attempts, what the pattern suggests -- especially in Hiroshima, Wakayama
and Hokkaido -- is familiar strategy employed by the yakuza: Debtors are
forced by crime bosses to commit seemingly irrational, random crimes to
fulfill the larger purpose of intimidating business executives and
government officials into silence. One security expert -- a former Ground
Self-Defense Force instructor who wrote an article in the Weekly Hoseki
(Sept. 19) -- even suggested that North Korean operatives were behind the
0157 poisonings -- a theory that the author of this report does not
discount, as there seems to be a Korean connection to these incidents.
The current series of poisonings are reminiscent of the wave of organized
crime assaults against the Morinaga milk, Glico candy and House curry
companies in 1984, involving kidnapping, extortion and the lacing of candy
with cyanide. In the Glico case, the company president who was kidnapped
from his home and purportedly escaped after three days, is suspected by
police as having previous dealings with his captors. In fact, police later
recovered a cassette tape containing a threat to the Glico company, sent
more than a year before the kidnapping.
What the Morinaga-Glico cases have in common with the current ones is that
the target companies all deal in either dairy or meat, or both products --
the most profitable sector of the food industry. Meat and milk products are
also prone to product adulteration, legal and illegal, which adds to the
profit margins. Does this really happen in affluent Japan? On Sept. 12,
police raided dairy producers in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and in Miyagi
Prefecture for cutting fresh milk with powdered milk and water. The dairy
cooperatives were adulterating the milk apparently under pressure from
their distributors.
All the companies also provide their dairy or meat products to the highly
lucrative, ''captive'' market of cafeterias in public institutions and
corporate dining rooms, and to the caterers who supply these facilities.
Adulteration of dairy and meat products sold to school cafeterias and other
institutional food service outlets can add up to enormous profits for
yakuza-tied companies and massive bribes for Education Ministry officials.
Perhaps this is why the Japanese media went to such great extremes to
divert public attention away from meat and milk products and scapegoated
instead vegetable growers, especially the radish sprout producers.
The non-O157 poisonings, if they were deliberately done to enforce a media
coverup and to block an investigation into cause of death of 12 people,
constitute acts of terrorism against society. Poisonings of such nationwide
extent -- from Hiroshima to Hokkaido -- would indicate that it is the work
of a major organized crime group, with ties to powerful bureaucrats and
politicians -- and which has access to biological toxins. As we follow
this line of investigation -- that some of the poisonings were a form of
terrorist use of bacteriological warfare -- it needs be pointed out that
research is still being conducted at this moment by a loose network of
investigative reporters, who are confronting a systematic effort by
ministry officials to block this probe.
Hamburger meat should remain the chief suspect not only because it is cited
as the main cause of O157 poisoning in the U.S. but also because it is used
so widely by public food-service institutions -- in hamburger patties,
Scotch eggs, curry, niku-jaga stew. Cheaper hamburger is the meat of
slaughtered dairy cows -- meat that is too fatty, tough, odiferous and
laden with hormones and antibiotics to be served as steak, and sometimes
from ''downer'' cows, unable to stand up because of diseases. Moreover,
cheaper hamburger is a mixture of scrap meat.
In Japan, hamburger meat usually mixed with a high content of intestinal
tissue, which gives it a soft, mushy texture as compared with ground
sirloin. (Most cases of O157, and mad cow disease, have been linked to
dairy cattle, not steers, perhaps indicating some connection to female
hormones. It also shows that high grade beef, especially from range steers,
is generally much safer for consumption.)
Intestine meat also goes into wiener sausages. The hot dog is produced from
offal and scrap meat -- eyeballs, joints, nerve tissue, cartilage, organ
trimmings and intestines -- that are pureed and mixed with rendered fat and
fillers such as oats and stuffed into a casing of small intestines.
Conditions in slaughterhouses, needless to say, are less than pristine. The
new U.S. meat processing rules -- tying the anus and gullet before removal
of the gastrointestinal tract -- help somewhat, but the intestines have to
be hosed out and washed. The constant risk of fecal contamination exists to
the meat, the hands of meat cutters, knives and in the water used to
cleanse the intestines and carcasses. Simply put, it's a bloody, messy
business where spillage is unavoidable.
The intestines of U.S. cattle started to enter Japan in the 1970s, with
imports led by industry leader Stamina Foods, based in Nishinomiya, a Kobe
meat-packing district, a corporation backed by Mitsui, Marubeni trading,
Sakura Bank, the 5 M Corp. and Go-ai Kosan Co., which remains the leading
force in intestine sales.
Beef intestines are part of both Taiwanese and Korean cuisine. Currently,
they are used especially in Korean-style soups, and they confer a ''macho''
image on male consumers. Called ''shiro'' or ''motsu'', beef intestines are
part of ''hormone-yaki'' cuisine -- grilled pig livers and other organ
meat, often accompanied by a kimchee-flavored motsu soup. (Hormone-yaki is
widely believed to increase children's growth.) A favorite product, found
in every supermarket, is beef intestines marinated in red pepper powder,
under the trade name ''Kotet-chan.''
The macho name is strikingly similar to Aizu Kotetsu, a major
Kyoto-headquartered organized crime group, which controls much of the
trucking industry connecting the Kansai cities with Maizuru (the major
Japan Sea port to North and South Korea), and refrigerated truck lines to
the Tohoku area, where much of Japan's dairy and meat products are raised.
The 1,600-member gang is known for its macho style and extreme violence in
turf wars with Yamaguchi-gumi-related groups, especially in the border area
between Tokyo and the Tohoku. It has a significant ethnic Korean membership
as well as alliances with major ethnic Korean organized crime groups in
Tokyo and other large cities.
The 1,600-member Aizu Kotetsu, Japan's sixth-largest gang, has also been
linked to Aum Shinrikyo's terrorist underground wing, because this crime
group reputedly arranged the supply of methamphetamine precursor chemicals
from Kansai area companies to the Satian No.7 plant in Kamikuiishiki
village (in a direct challenge to the Yamaguchi-gumi's Kansai-based
drug-production monopoly, nearly setting off a titanic gang war). With ties
to Aum and to both Koreas, Taiwan and Russia, the underworld group would
have access to the technical knowhow for deploying bacteriological weapons
and perhaps to the toxins themselves, although the latter would be
available from laboratory suppliers in Japan, Korea or Taiwan. The sect
scientists' extensive knowledge of antidotes and vaccines could also be
useful to anyone attempting delivery of biological agents.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, increasing farm productivity meant that
Japanese consumers could enjoy a much larger supply of unadulterated dairy
and meat products. Real milk and meat were pushing aside ersatz food
But since the end of the war till the 1980s, much of Japan's milk supply
was skimmed milk. One popular summer product was a diluted ice cream
substitute, known as ice milk. But milk was rationed after the war. So
where did the milk companies get their supply? Most of the rationed milk
was allocated to hospitals and public school lunch programs.
Did Japanese education bureaucrats divert some of the critical milk supply
to the black market? Did the Japanese dairy processors develop a murky
relationship with the yakuza, who acted as a go-between with the
bureaucrats? Did the importation of powdered milk continue long after the
Occupation and did yakuza have to threaten poison attacks to prevent the
loss of lucrative contracts? As the 10-year statute of limitations on the
Glico kidnapping case was expiring in 1994, the police had interviewed the
president of Glico more than 10 times, but could get no clear answers about
his company's ties to the alleged extortionists.
The relationship between yakuza and the food distribution system is also
illustrated in the Takashimaya case. The prestigious department store
Takashimaya, which began business as purveyors of curtains to the imperial
household, became a retailing force in the colonial trade with Japanese
military-occupied Korea, Taiwan and Manchuria. The recent revelations about
the Takashimaya Department Store's close, even intimate relationship with a
sokaiya group (the company president and crime boss regularly had dinner
and drinks together) is typical of the relationship between the Kansai food
industry and organized crime. (Remember that inside the basement of every
department store is a super-supermarket.) The roots of the relationship
between Takashimaya and the sokaiya known as Gokuraku-kai (Paradise, or
Ultimate Pleasure, Association) goes back to the days of the Occupation era
black market in Osaka.
Under the guidance of Japan's Foreign Ministry Recreation and Amusement
Association (RAA) program, the Gokuraku-kai organized prostitution for
U.S. and Allied servicemen in the Kansai region. As the GIs often gave
gifts to the prostitutes or use these to obtain other services, the
Gokuraku-kai moved into the black market in cigarettes, liquor, nylon
stockings and American foodstuffs. Much larger shipments, of course, could
be obtained off of U.S. Navy cargo vessels at the Kobe docks. The rationing
system had basically destroyed all wholesale sources for major retailers,
who then turned to the yakuza for both basic and luxury goods. (Takashimaya
restarted its business in 1947.) In this manner, the yakuza managed to
insinuate itself into the distribution system, between the retail sector
and the wholesalers and trading companies. The underworld, thus, occupies a
nearly unassailable position inside the consumer economy and has enormous
political clout.
But several private banks also stepped forward to lend. One was the
notorious Osaka-based Daiwa Bank. Another offering unsecured loans was the
Osaka-based regional bank, Fukutoku Bank -- which can ill-afford such
high-risk lending. Fukutoku is one of the four so-called ''rust banks,'' or
FH2O: Fukutoku, Hanshin, Hyogo and Osaki Shinmin. Rumors in the banking
industry have for the past two years suggested these banks are straddled
with bad loans far exceeding their deposits and assets. Fukutoku is
particularly notorious for its clients, which include top politicians and
some very shady figures.
Now -- with the air of the Kansai reeking with the stench of yet another
case of criminal negligence -- it seems the politicians are loosening the
purse strings to buy more Mafia-like silence.
O157 can survive in a freezer and multiply at temperatures as low as 4 C in
a meat locker. Therefore, over time, the virulence of the bad meat
increases. Sakai, being Japan's city with the highest percentage of
burakumin and a large number of Korean families, must have been the final
dumping ground for stale meat. This would account for the large number of
cases there.
At the end of August, a meat distributor in Kagawa, Shikoku, discovered
O157 contamination on a side of beef imported from the United States. The
carcass had been air-freighted into Kansai International Airport on Aug. 1.
The contaminated beef had cleared customs -- U.S. meat is inspected on the
American side of the Pacific.
Tracing the contaminated meat will not be easy, because of deregulation.
Dozens of Japanese meat packers have invested heavily in feed lots and
packing plants in California, Nebraska and other states. But meat importing
also involves hundreds of different companies of varying size -- from meat
suppliers like Ito Ham and Fukutome Meat Packers, supermarket chains like
Ito-Yokado, Daei and Yaohan, transportation firms like JAL and Hankyu
Railways, and fast food chains like McDonald's and Wendy's. And discount
meat can also be obtained surreptitiously on the spot market through
smaller distributors with Mafia connections. And Nishinomiya, Japan's
packing house city, is teeming with gangsters.
These practically unregulated avenues in the global food trade point out a
fundamental weakness in the World Trade Organization -- that the greatest
beneficiary of so-called free trade are organized crime groups, the
now-multinational mafias. The WT0 has opened world markets without any
consumer protection provisions or crime enforcement -- only naive idiots
without any sense of social reality would have created such a world
economic order without real rules. It is possible to dump deadly foodstuffs
in countries where customs and health officials are lax or corrupt. U.K.
beef contaminated with mad cow disease has reported, for instance, in
Greece, possibly on its way to the Balkans or the Caucasus.
The nearly nonexistent health protection is a result of U.S. trade
pressures to open Japan's beef market in the late 1980s. Furthermore,
Japan's Foreign Ministry and MITI have promoted the import of beef as it is
a high-value product that helps to balance Japanese exports of automobiles
and consumer electronics. But beef, unlike metal, is biological.
With a dozen people dead, and more deaths likely, those who are
participating in the coverup -- education bureaucrats, politicians, public
health officials, meat industry and trading company executives, trade
officials and news editors -- have blood on their hands. Like in the case
of the HIV-contaminated blood products, which involved a government and
media coverup, the surviving kin of victims need to organize their own
investigation, press a lawsuit and bring all the criminals to justice.
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